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Swift Current Airport  -  camera, pen, knapsack, wings...  -  camera, pen, knapsack, wings...
Waterloo to Calgary in a Cessna 150
Werner looks after getting FZ-Oscar refuelled, then checks him over and discovers the source of our radio problems: the radio plug had come loose from its plug box thingy (otherwise known as a portable stereo intercom) that sits on the floor between pilot and passenger. Turns out I had caught my foot on the wire when I was twisting around in my excitement to take the pictures of the salt lakes, and managed to loosen the connection just enough to cause Werner some excitement too... Inside the airport building, Werner chats with a few people sitting around, including the pilot who had landed ahead of us. I walk around outside, and stand still under the immense sky to get a sense of the prairie from ground level.
Friday, July 11 - Leg 11: Regina to Swift Current
Itinerary Flight Planning Home
Feeling quite relieved now that his radio problems are solved, FZ-Oscar relaxes too, in the company of a crop duster.
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